
She was originally a lively and active girl, and with the big changes in the past few days making her uneasy, she couldn't endure staying by herself in the hotel suite even more. The stifling feeling of suffocation was like a shadow following after her, driving her insane.

The next day, she went to the presidential suite next door to find Pei Ziheng. "I want to go back to China!"

In the hallway, the first rays of the morning sun were insipid and quiet beside the thick mahogany door. The girl was delicate as a flower as she looked up at him, her white face full of anger. He did not know why, but it made him feel moved.

He said gently, "Go back to China?"

"Yes!" She screamed at him with impatience, afraid that she would lose her courage in the next second. "You locked up Xiao Yu and even locked me here and refuses to let me go out, is it very entertaining for you? I don't care, I want to go back to China!"

"Why do you want to go back home?"