The Choice in the Dark

After setting the style and the pickup time, he took her out of the shop.

The Parisian streets were very quiet in summer, and the air brought the fragrance of unknown flowers.

A Rolls-Royce stopped at the street not far ahead and Pei Ziheng said, "The car is here." He reached out and took her hand, but she pushed him away forcefully. He looked down at her, his expression darkening.

She stepped back and said stubbornly, "Don't hold my hand!"

He said in a deep voice, "What are you throwing a tantrum again for?"

Tears swirled in her eyes. "What do you mean by this, you think I'll forgive you for bullying me just because you bought me a ring? You clearly said I could ask you anything I wanted to know, but you didn't even answer my questions! Pei Ziheng, am I just like all the other girls and you can do whatever you please with me?!"

"Are you sad?" he asked.

She turned her head away and didn't speak.