Curry Favor with Her

Pei Ziheng reached out and held her delicate white hand in his palm.

She struggled and failed to break free, so she could only let him hold her hand. The scenery outside the window flew past and soon, they arrived at the door of the Training Camp. Xia Ling said softly, "Let go, I have to get off."

Pei Ziheng did not let go. "I promise you."

She looked at him inexplicably.

Pei Ziheng smiled a little. "Little vinegar jar, I promise you I won't touch other women and will wait for you to come home."

She blushed and glanced at the driver in the front seat. The well-trained driver sat on the side and pretended not to hear anything even though he had heard it all. Xia Ling sighed softly. "Who wants you to wait?"

"You really don't?" He laughed.

She bit her lip and stretched out her pinky finger. "Pinky promise."