Engagement News

In the future, when the ninety-two-year-old Pei Ziheng reminisced on his long life, he found that the happiest years of his life were actually when Xia Ling had looked forward to becoming his bride.

If time could be turned back, he would give her a grand weather before all the damages were too late to prevent. If so, would he be able to continue possessing her innocent smile for ten or so more years? However, the promise of a lifetime was destroyed by his own arrogance and conceitedness.

It had been ordinary at the time.

The young and distinguished business emperor protecting his own little girl who grew up slowly, from a small trainee to a world-famous singer that had many people adoring her voice. No matter how many shocking achievements she accomplished, she would always look to him with such reverence and love.

He was her God.

The day the sky collapsed, the weather was as normal.