Withered Rose

Yes, why didn't she kill him?

Pei Ziheng knew that the girl named Xia Ling would never do anything to him. Even in her saddest and most desperate moment, there was not a single hint of murderous intention in her broken eyes.

She admired and loved him so much…

When she threw a tantrum, she could have just said the words out of a whim, but it didn't mean she would really take action. But why was he so stupid to actually believe that she had killed someone?!

Maybe someone was framing her!

The thunderstorm dissipated the grey clouds in his heart. He didn't have time to say anything to Li Lei and quickly hurried away.


In the snowy night, the ninety-two-year-old man's brows stretched out and in his confused state, he suddenly understood why Li Lei had appeared then—he had been there to remind him, to warn him, that he would lose her if he obstinately clung to his own course.