The Shrew Next Door

But Xia Ling insisted on giving it to her.

The old grandma didn't manage to decline it and hence, kept it. She decided that she was just temporarily safekeeping it for Xia Ling, and would discreetly return it to her when she left. Over the next few days, everything was calm and peaceful and the old grandma brought home a few more cats in need of care. One of them had a broken leg after being run over by a car and required help changing its bandage regularly.

Xia Ling stayed home to take care of them.

When the old grandma went out to feed the cats one day, she said to Xia Ling, "Open the windows for ventilation while there are few people around. When the neighbors are back, we'll close them again. There's a smell in the house from all the cats that live with us, the neighbors won't like it."

Xia Ling nodded and opened the windows.