Looking for Xia Ling

Xia Ling's villa was not far from another high-end residential area nearby.

Xia Ling went to ring the doorbell, but nobody answered. The whole villa was so vacant and silent it felt a bit strange. Her premonition was not good, so she asked the driver, "Do you know where Xiao Yu went? Why isn't anyone at home and nobody is answering the phone?"

The driver said respectfully, "I'm not sure. Why don't I help you ask Miss Xia Yu's driver?"

Xia Ling nodded in agreement, but the result of asking was still the same. It was said that Xia Yu had not used the car for several days. Xia Ling panicked and made another round of phone calls to Feng Kun, Chu Chen, Xiao Hua, etc…

But none of them had seen Xia Yu recently.

Imperial Entertainment's headquarters.