The Princess and the Beggar

Xia Ling felt her abdomen hurting. Something was up with her baby, but she did not know what.

She hoped that it would just die. But this thought her into further despair as if her heart was gripped tightly by an invisible hand. She bit her lip and forced herself to stand firmly. However, her pale face still exposed her emotions.

Zheng Chenhao and Zi Xun saw her sadness and couldn't help but question it—

You were the one who attacked Li Bingman so aggressively, but why does it seem like you came out of this worse off than her?

Chu Chen was afraid something would happen to the baby. With a compassionate and firm tone, he said, "Xiao Ling, do you feel unwell anywhere? Let me help you back to the office."

Xia Ling shook off his hand. "I'll walk by myself."