Overall First

"I got the lowest score in history for my singing test… I can't live with this…" Someone moped.

Another said, "Teacher Cui already mentioned that this was a test of our understanding and grasp of the beat and layers of this song. Xia Ling's 'The Caged Butterfly' is complex in terms of its emotions and technique, and really brings apart the scores of the good and the inferior candidates. Xiao Yin, you scored a 49 for this, but Xia Yingluo scored a full 100 marks!"

"She isn't human!"

"She's a pervert!"

"Besides Xia Ling herself, who else can score 100!"

Grievances were being voiced all around, but no one actually said that Xia Yingluo had cheated. The version of "The Caged Butterfly" that she sang for the test was put on the school's intranet and was available for everyone to download and voice their unhappiness if they felt the score was unjustified.