I Know Who You Are

She refused to speak to Wei Lingnan again.

No conversations existed. No matter what he said to her or how he forced her to speak, she just sneered and said nothing. What could they say to each other? He wasn't going to let her go anyway, or give her even one night of mercy. Every time he came, he only did two things, completely suppress and violate her, then read the strange data on the virtual screen. His interrogation of her dreams also ceased—since she wouldn't answer, he would no longer waste time.

Xia Yingluo was considering how to escape.

She had been imprisoned here for about a dozen days, a conclusion based on how often he delivered meals every day. The training camp should have already realized she was missing and would have probably sent people to find her. Jin Ling'er was probably going crazy with worry…

According to common sense, they would have contacted her family.

But the family on her enrollment information was fake.