Meeting a Researcher

Wei Lingnan simply looked at her. "You know, I can't possibly let you go."

The genes of the Skatana species had already been activated inside her, and they were now at war with the human genes for control. The outside world was too dangerous for her now, and any slip up could cost her her life. Wei Lingnan couldn't take such a risk.

Xia Yingluo looked down and attempted to conceal her disappointment.

He did all he could to brainwash her, getting her to believe everything about the Skatana planet, and yet he wouldn't even give her a chance to verify it. Yes, this underground base was very high-tech, more so than any sophisticated technology she'd witnessed before. But technology was technology at best, it was something achievable by the human race. She was still inclined to believe that he was a genius—it was only a fine line between a genius and a lunatic, and maybe he'd suffered a blow before, causing him to hallucinate these non-existent beings.