The Chief Has Been Substituted

She walked nimbly with her back straight, like a real ballerina. Her eyes flickered with a smile, and she said gently to Jin Ling'er, "It's necessary for the teaching, I'm sorry." As soon as her voice fell, she changed her gentle attitude and gave Jin Ling'er a slap!

With a crackling sound, Jin Ling'er staggered a few steps and fell onto the floor.

"Ling'er!" Xia Yingluo was stunned. She rushed in from the door to help Jin Ling'er. "Are you alright?" She looked up at Jiang Bilian angrily. "How could you hit her?!"

Her presence stunned everyone.

Jiang Bilian looked at her like she had seen a ghost. "You, you, you… didn't you go to the bar to drink, and then got sold to a foreign red light district?!" This was one of the most popular versions of the rumors she had spread about Xia Yingluo's disappearance.

Xia Yingluo was annoyed. "You're the one sold to the Red Light District!"