The Visit

She had mixed feelings as she arrived at the underground laboratory.

Wei Lingnan was lying on the bed in the center, with all sorts of tubes stuck into him. He looked pale and his eyes seemed lifeless, but she could still see his weak breathing. Xia Yingluo felt a stab to the heart looking at this sight, and she couldn't explain why. It seemed that she felt terrible just knowing that he was in pain. She approached him and called out softly, "Wei Lingnan."

The man did not look at her. Instead, his gaze was directed at the old lady behind him as he asked weakly, "Why'd you bring her here?"

The old lady seemed a little flustered but answered him anyway, "Mister, you've done so much for Miss, you should let her know."

Wei Lingnan's eyes were dull as before, but he said with conviction, "Get out."

Xia Yingluo said, "You're already so ill, what good is there in chasing others out?"

Wei Lingnan asked, "When have you become so caring for me?"