Night Visit

Xia Yingluo went home happily and started her degenerate life of eating and sleeping. Although living in the training camp was decent, nothing could compare to the comfort of her own home. On a cold autumn night, she would hide in her room, wrap herself in her quilt and watch the moon. It was the best thing in the world.

Her room was on the second floor. It had a huge window and a balcony.

Xia Yingluo rolled around happily on her bed. Suddenly, she saw some movements on the balcony from the corner of her eye.

She immediately went on alert and stretched out to have a look.

Under the moonlight, a long silhouette of a man stood across the window, looking at her.

Wei Lingnan.

Xia Yingluo recognized him immediately. She felt butterflies in her stomach. If there was one thing she was unsatisfied with in her life, it would be this man.

She climbed out of bed bare-footed and opened the glass door.