How Should She Thank Him

Xia Yingluo smiled. "I've been with you for a day, I should leave now. Brother Du Zheng, please accompany Ling'er for dinner. She's still sick and needs someone to take care of her."

Not many people in this entire world dared to get Du Zheng to care for a patient, but Xia Yingluo happened to be one of them. Jin Ling'er didn't feel at ease. "No, I'm all right…"

But Du Zheng said, "Sure."

Xia Yingluo smiled and took her leave with Wei Lingnan.

Jin Ling'er and Du Zheng were left in the quiet ward. Du Zheng was dressed very prim, making his presence rather suffocating. Jin Ling'er didn't feel comfortable with him around and simply smiled while trying to make conversation. "Um, Chairman Du, thank you for coming to see me."

Du Zheng was calm as usual. "You're an artiste under our firm, it's only right that I come to visit you."