What Do You Want to Do

She resisted the intense pain, and everything before her coma came to her mind like slow motion.

Was Wei Lingnan holding her on the underground base? What did he want to do? Ominous premonitions loomed in Xia Yingluo's heart. She tried to open the shackles on her body, but she couldn't even move them a little bit. However, outside the huge glass viewing window, researchers had found that she was awake. They got together, looked at her data from a screen, and exchanged a few words with each other. One of the researchers in a white coat hurried away.

Soon, the laboratory door was opened.

A woman in a fine dress and exquisite makeup came in. It was Gu Jinxiu.

The door closed silently behind her.

Gu Jinxiu looked down at Xia Yingluo, who was curled up in pain, with a thoughtful smile in her voice. "You are awake."