How Could You Not Care About It

The atmosphere at the scene was deadlocked.

Everyone had been so engrossed in the shoot that they had forgotten that it was replaced by Tang Yuan. Tang Yuan's people were still waiting outside! It was unreasonable to let that big movie star wait for so long. The director decided to play the good person. "I'm so sorry, Qiang Zi. Sorry for having Sister Tang wait so long for me. Let me go over there and apologize to her personally…"

Before he finished speaking, he heard Xia Yingluo sneer.

The director's heart fluttered, speculating whether his attitude towards Tang Yuan caused Xia Yingluo to be upset, but Tang Yuan was an ancestor and he couldn't afford to offend her.

He was thinking about a remedy when he saw Xia Yingluo tidy her armor and say to Tan Ying, "I'll go remove my makeup first, it's so heavy."

Tan Ying nodded, and without looking at the director or Qiang Zi, he helped Xia Yingluo walk to her exclusive dressing room.