Can’t Live Without You

Xia Yingluo went quiet for a while. "Bro, very smart of you."

Li Rui was full of reason. "He started this mess and he owes you this. There's nothing wrong with asking him to pay for it."

Xia Yingluo lowered her head, conflicted. She did not want to have anything to do with Wei Lingnan at all. On the Skatana Planet, cheaters were not to be forgiven, but the cheater here was Wei Lingnan, someone she had once trusted most. Each time she saw his familiar face, she was unable to stop herself from recalling past memories they'd shared. They had fought in the front lines, struggled for survival, and at times he'd stroke her face at night when he thought she'd fallen asleep…

Bits and pieces of memory, it all felt like yesterday.

"Let me think about it," she whispered.