How's the Progress

The sweet smile on her exquisite face was so naturally fascinating that it was difficult for people to look away.

Lifting her silver-blue dress slightly, she slowly walked, leaving invisible ripples in the air. Her straight back and indifferent look caused another round of screaming from her fans.

Instinctively, she scanned the crowd.

With one look, she saw a man standing in the last row—

That man was leaning on the wall behind him and he was wearing an ordinary shirt and trousers. Although he looked handsome, the way he hid made him look inconspicuous and he was able to camouflage himself in the dark. If it weren't for Xia Yingluo's sensitivity that she picked up after hundred of millions of years of battling and her familiarity with her people, she would not have been able to find him, Wei Lingnan.

Why did he come?

She frowned slightly and her smile froze for a moment.