It Really Is You Two

Xia Yingluo suddenly awoke. She opened the battleship control room in front of the control panel and pressed on a few buttons.

On the screen, the gleaming reflection of waves in sunlight drifted past, arranging into a mysterious flickering stream of light.

Li Rui looked at the screen. Although he couldn't understand what it was, he was instinctively attracted by the strange rhythm. The ripple was so mysterious and beautiful, different from any figure and text he had ever seen. "What is this?" he asked.

Xia Yingluo said, "The text of the Skatana Planet shows that the stealth mode is turned on, and the anti-tracking device is also turned on." Turning on the stealth mode was to prevent being watched by humans, and at the same time, turning on the anti-tracking device was to let Wei Lingnan unaware of their whereabouts. She believed that with the strength of the Wei family's base, tracking down this warship was an easy feat.