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Xia Yingluo smiled. "You're just biased to our dad. You make it sound like our dad isn't cruel, vile, nor shrewd."

"Who's the one being biased?" Li Shaohui said, "But you have to be careful of that Pei Yan. She has been staring at you just now, and the hostility in her eyes is obvious." He had passed by not just to say hello to Pei Ziheng, but he also watched the people at the table. Several of them were possible heirs of the Pei family and it was necessary to understand their nature.

Xia Yingluo didn't take it to heart. "How big is she even?"

"Yes, yes, you are the big young lady in our family. The bright pearl in our palms and the moon amongst the stars. That kind of lady simply can't compare with a big lady like you." Li Shaohui laughed at her. After a while, he returned to their seats with her.

A few people gathered and all the young ladies from other families came over to say hello.