Courage and Responsibility

Jin Ling'er kept up with him, looking at his back, and stopped talking.

She had once dreamt of a Prince Charming as well. Even in the training camp, she had excitedly pulled Yingluo and pointed out the guys she thought were handsome, but she never thought that she would fall in love with a man of authority. Du Zheng was almost a decade older than her and was the important Chairman of his Du family company. He never smiled and never showed emotion.

He was obviously a boring and uninteresting person, so she didn't understand why she was attracted to him.

Inexplicably, she had fallen for him.

She watched him walk in front of her. In the summer light, he was caged with the floral scent of summer light, as if he was plated with a beautiful golden dawn. She wanted to come forward and hold his hand, and walk with him to the end of the barren land, together for a lifetime.

He stopped and looked back at her. "Come here."