The Bet Is On!

It was 60 marks to pass the exam. This bet… was so easy that she didn't want to bet anymore.

Whatever! If winning the bet would help her to get rid of this troublemaker, it's all worth it!

Lin Wanwan smiled at her, her two little canine teeth exposed in the air. "I don't need anything from you. If I win, you have to be my fan, the hardcore kind. Deal?"

"…" Liu Zilin looked like she just swallowed a fly.

Lin Wanwan started to provoke her, "Why are you hesitating? It seems like you're scared since you think that I'll win!"

Liu Zilin clenched her teeth. "Deal!"

So what if Lin Wanwan can mimic the adults and speak normally? So what if she doesn't seem that stupid?

Liu Zilin strongly believed that Lin Wanwan was here solely for the paper qualifications. She even skipped so many grades. No matter how much effort Lin Wanwan put in, Liu Zilin knew that she wouldn't be able to hit the passing line.