I Don't Like Him Now

"Let me take a look." She put down her broom, took out her mobile, and quickly logged in to Weibo.

Indeed, a ruckus had been made.

Ever since the "intimate" photos of her and Luo Han touring the flower fields in the Netherlands were exposed, the so-called relationship was immediately pushed to the trending headlines of all major media outlets.

As a newbie actress who was only slightly famous in the country, Lin Wanwan actually dated Luo Han in the dark.

There was nothing much after he had clarified the previous rumor. Now, there was concrete evidence. Thus, many people were still shocked.

Both parties didn't come forward to refute the rumors. The news got more widespread, and everyone thought that this meant Lin Wanwan and Luo Han had silently consented to this.

Lin Wanwan's heart beat faster. Oh no! This was the prelude to being torn apart by Luo Han's fans!