Play It by Ear and Give Her a Slap in the Face

Lin Wanwan heaved a sigh of relief. She looked at how the comments were trending and felt upset.

Sigh. Tang Chen and Lu Zhanbei had stolen all her limelight away!

At this moment, the doorbell rang.

Ruan Baoer hurriedly opened the door. Lin Wanwan stuck out her head and took a glance. Indeed, it was Lu Zhanbei.

Lin Wanwan walked up to him and ordered softly, "Just sit here obediently. Don't run around and don't say anything. Understand?"


Seeing that Lu Zhanbei answered without hesitation, Lin Wanwan was no longer worried and sat back on the chair. At this point in time, a few people were asking where she went to.

She cleared her throat and pulled back the topic again.

Tang Chen's warning of "checking on water meters" probably worked. Those anti-fans no longer made any comments, but Lin Wanwan knew that they were definitely still watching in the dark.