The Last Struggle

Su Maner's body trembled. Her heart was filled with strong hatred.

"Lin Wanwan!"

She looked at Lin Wanwan with a contorted expression. It was as if she would rush over any time to bite her alive.

In reality, Su Maner was indeed planning to do just that.

She was about to rush over when Qin Xiangyu grabbed her waist.

"Sister Maner, calm down!"

Su Maner struggled for a while but didn't manage to break free. Slowly, she really started to calm down.

Her bloodshot eyes glared fiercely at Lin Wanwan. She gritted her teeth and said, "I've lost this round. But don't forget, I would never let this matter rest. The battle between us has only just begun!"

Lin Wanwan shrugged her shoulders. Su Maner, who had always loved herself, was like a hysterical madman now. She was completely anxious.