There Was a Show to Watch Again!

The first floor of Youth Square had long since been packed with people. It was filled with Ball fans who came from all over the place and wanted to have some intimate interaction with their idol, as well as with some onlookers who were interested in watching the excitement.

On the stage, the director in charge of this event had also taken on the role of a host.

He briefly introduced some of the company's new products. In the end, under the audience's impatient urges, he said loudly, "Let us now give a warm round of applause and welcome the popular starlet who is about to sign a contract with our Shangmei International Corporation, Lin Wanwan!"

Amidst the applause, Lin Wanwan got on stage elegantly.

"Ms. Lin, hello."


Both of them shook hands and started to talk about some pre-discussed topics.

After the interaction, the staff presented a contract that had already been drafted.