Your Ability Is No Different

The crucial thing was…

These hot searches were not about Lin Wanwan's scandal but, rather, were exposing the so-called truth!

Lin Siqing casually clicked open a Weibo article, feeling ill at ease.

The moment she finished reading the contents, her expression turned from incredulity to immense anger.

"Damn!" She waved her hands casually and the things on the table fell to the ground.

Hearing the commotion, Lin Wanxin walked in. She was holding the poodle that had only half a ear in her arms.

"Siqing, I've taught you before. You have to keep calm at all times. Victory would never belong to rash people."

Lin Siqing couldn't hear any of this, and she grabbed her hand in agitation. "Our plan failed. Lin Wanwan found out the truth and Gu Yien was arrested!"

"I already know about this."

The first instant that this incident happened, Lin Wanxin had already received news.

"So what? Lin Wanwan doesn't know we set her up."