The Battle Between Father and Son

The butler knew he was here and tried to stop him. "Young Master, the Old Master's not in the country. You…"

"Get lost!"

What answered him was a side kick from Lu Zhanbei.

The butler dared not retaliate and couldn't retaliate at all. He only stopped after retreating more than a meter away.

He saw Lu Zhanbei's back view rushing in without looking back. He waved his hand and followed in with a few bodyguards.

Lu Zhanbei kicked open the door of the study room and saw Lu Zhengyu, who was practicing calligraphy.

Lu Zhengyu put down the brush in his hand and looked over, as if not reading the dangerous undercurrent in his eyes. He frowned in dissatisfaction.

"When did Lin Wanwan have a relationship with Fu Zhinian? That rascal nearly lost his life to save her! It couldn't be that she seduced your brother as well, right? She wanted to have her pick between my two sons. That's really…"