Thank You, Madam Yu

"Who's there?"

Under the dim light, a woman in light-colored cheongsam revealed herself under her gunpoint.

Her head was lowered, but her peeking eyes exposed her uncompromising beauty.

"You are… Madam Yu?"

Lin Wanwan was surprised to see her just as she thought about threatening her to get grandpa's location.

Madam Yu had stepped past her in the meanwhile. "Follow me!"

Lin Wanwan's eyes flickered as she hurriedly followed.

Madam Yu brought her through a few hallways and stopped before a door.

She called for her, avoiding eye contact. "Your grandpa is inside."

"Thank you." Lin Wanwan pushed the door open.

The door creaked, and a bullet came flying toward her!

Lin Wanwan instinctively tilted her head and threw out the handful of sand she collected earlier.

Lu Zhengyu's butler was caught by surprise, and Lin Wanwan sneaked a punch on his chest.