Middle of a Conspiracy

Another female actress was Mi Xue, and she was a fan of Lin Wanwan. Occasionally, they would chat on Weibo.

"Wanwan, here!"

Lin Wanwan's table had Qi Shujie and other lead actors and actresses.

Although Qi Shujie was over 40, he looked pretty young. Years of studying arts and literature made him give off a prestigious vibe.

He nodded to Lin Wanwan as a greeting before raising his glass.

"The shoot starts tomorrow, so cheers to a smooth journey ahead!"

Other than Lin Wanwan, everyone raised their glasses.

The second female lead was An Qier, who debuted as a singer. Seeing the hesitation in Lin Wanwan, she glared at her.

"Wanwan, shouldn't you respond to the director?"

All eyes were on Lin Wanwan.

Lin Wanwan grinned and decided to drink it.

She was wary due to her past experiences; anything could happen as she was new to the studio.