So Gross

Lin Wanwan texted Liu Zilin after escaping from the hotel.

Half an hour later, Liu Zilin came with a suitcase in her hands.

After hearing about what happened, she clenched her teeth. "Men are just lustful and disgusting creatures!"

"Not my man," Lin replied with a smile.

She didn't look too affected as she checked her watch. "Let's find a place to stay for now and leave for the Imperial Capital tomorrow."

It was late, so she didn't want to bother Lu Zhanbei.

The next morning, Lin Wanwan was woken up by someone knocking on the door.

She nudged Liu Zilin, whose head was buried under her sheets. "Time to wake up."

Liu Zilin hugged her tight as she mumbled, "Just a while more."

Just then, the door was kicked open.

Lin Wanwan smiled as she saw the ones outside.

"What a surprise that the big boss himself would come and get me. Yo, Si Dada is here as well."