Who Is it? Come Out!

Lu Zhanbei: "I learned it from you."

At this time, the auction finally came to an end.

Lin Wanwan didn't plan to attend the banquet after that. However, Lu Zhanbei had made a business appointment with someone. Thus, she could only sneak up to the balcony to get some fresh air.

Sharp-eared, she suddenly heard someone talking.

Out of curiosity, she leaned toward the corner and saw two men with their back facing her discussing something.

As the distance was a little far, some parts were inaudible.

"A new batch of goods has arrived recently. If you're interested, you can take a look…"

This voice belonged to… Ye Yuanting?

Lin Wanwan was a little uncertain. She was only sure when she saw the man's thumb subconsciously rubbing the platinum tail ring on his little finger.

As Ye Yuanting's loyal fan, not only was she familiar with every detail of his works, she also understood his little movements.