Killing with Kindness (1)

When she heard this, Fu Wanyi's lips curved into a smile. It was extremely plain yet real.

"I'll listen to you."

She didn't get the butler to pick on Lin Wanwan anyway.

She had always been by her side but was too reckless.

When she saw that Fu Wanyi nodded, the butler's face turned pale without color. Knowing that there wasn't any room to make changes, she left in despair.

The butler's ending was a wake-up call for others.

Lin Wanwan sighed. This move of Lu Zhanbei's was simply wonderful.

It served both as a warning by example and as a show of filial piety as a son, and it didn't cause Fu Wanyi to be dissatisfied.

However, weren't they making a mountain out of a molehill to have fired the other party because of this small matter?

Feng Xiaowei clenched her fists secretly. She would definitely not give Lin Wanwan the chance to please Fu Wanyi!