The White Lotus Flower Played Tricks

Lin Qingxi rubbed her shoulders. She smiled and said weakly, "I should be the one to apologize. I was in a hurry to get something from the car and walked a little too quickly. I'm alright. I'll be fine after getting some medicinal rub. Go to the production studio quickly. The director's waiting for you."

After confirming that Lin Qingxi wasn't hurt, Lin Wanwan left.

Watching her back view disappear, Lin Qingxi glanced at a certain direction with the corner of her eye.

Because of the angle, she had discovered the reporter hiding behind the pillar as soon as she entered the carpark.

The scene just now would definitely have been captured.

A strange smile flashed past Lin Qingxi's eyes. She looked more pained and limped toward the car, as if that collision just now had caused her a lot of damage.

On the other end, after changing into her clothes and putting on makeup, Lin Wanwan immediately started filming.