Troubling the Team and Adding New Members (2)

Lin Wanwan looked up and saw the two who obviously bore bad intentions.

"I am."

The plump woman sized her up and snorted. "I heard that you're the newly promoted best actress in Xia country. Why are you dressed so shabbily, like a newbie who'd just debuted? Could it be that the standards of living in Xia country are very low?"

Lin Wanwan frowned and reminded plainly, "Miss, we don't have any grudges between us, even if we did, you should just pick on me and not the country."

"Did I say something bad?"

The woman covered her mouth in shock. The partner next to her immediately shook her head and laughed.

"Yin Yin, perhaps they have flown into a rage out of humiliation. What's there to feel annoyed about? The entertainment circle in Xia country is filled with a bunch of useless people who rely on their looks for a living. In the past, whenever I run out of money, I'd go there to develop myself. I earn more than their local celebrities…"