Chapter 1484: Fists and kicks

“It’s not convenient, right? If your family finds out, they’ll think that I want to climb up to you.”

“My father and mother aren’t in China, so they can’t control me. As for my brother, he’s flying all over the world. We might not even see him once a month.”

“No, I’ll stay in a hotel.”

“Alright then, I’ll send you there now.”

Ruan Baoer drove Fu Ya to a five-star hotel that had just opened. “This is the property of the Ruan family. It has my exclusive suite. You Don’t have to spend money to stay there.”

“Thank you.”

After entering the room, Fu Ya went to take a shower.

Ruan Baoer was worried that she was in a bad mood, so she did not leave immediately. Instead, she waited for her to finish showering before consoling her, “Fuya, don’t be afraid. If sihan bullies you again in the future, you can come and tell me. Or you can go find sister ball. We will definitely help you vent your anger!”

Fuya smiled.