Outside chapter 1564, Lu Cha and Lu Chi (1)

“Lin Wanwan wins another Grand Slam, earning both fame and Fortune!”

“Rushing out of the country: Lin Wanwan’s new film nomination for the Golden Man!”

A year after Lin Wanwan gave birth to the child, she started working again.

However, she was unwilling to hand the child over to the servants to take care of, so she deliberately reduced the workload. As a result, she only finished shooting two films within three years.

The first film only won a domestic best actress award due to its theme. However, it won the Best Actress award at the Venice Film Festival.

For this film, she was aiming for the little gold statue. Therefore, she deliberately chose a script that suited the international taste. In addition, her acting skills did not fade during the two-year break. Instead, they became even more refined, in the end, she was successfully shortlisted.

As for whether she could win the award, Lin Wanwan expressed that it was up to fate.