A Quarrel In the Shopping Center

Jiang Xu went to deal with his business, while Gu Ning along with Gu Man and Gu Qing took a taxi heading to the Commercial Building in downtown.

Gu Ning proposed to buy clothes first, but was stopped by Gu Qing. "Ningning, you already bought us clothes yesterday. We don't need to waste more money on clothing."

"It's not enough! My mom and I have dumped all of our old clothes. We also need to buy new clothing. Relax, we're not going to buy the designer brands, but some common brands," Gu Ning comforted.

They didn't need too many luxurious clothes. Luxurious clothing was only for important or special occasions.

In daily life, they could wear ordinary clothes.

People wore designer brand just to show off. Many medium-level brands were also of great quality.

Gu Qing listened to Gu Ning at the end.

They went to a medium-level brand of clothes to shop for Gu Man and Gu Qing.