1 VS. 1

The door was pushed open, and they stopped discussing at once.

The second Ye Chaoxiong walked inside, they stood up and welcomed him with great respect. "Master Ye, good evening!"

They were all younger and less experienced than Ye Chaoxiong, so they had to be respectful of him.

"Have a seat please," Ye Chaoxiong said.

The next second, they noticed Gu Ning, and recognized that she was "Tang Aining" at first glance, because photos and videos of her were everywhere on the Internet now.

"This must be Miss Tang, right?"

Someone looked at Gu Ning.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Tang Aining," Gu Ning said with confidence. She had a vague air of nobility that nobody could ignore.

Some thought that Gu Ning was a noble lady, while some believed that she was pretending to be noble.

"Miss Tang, I admire your outstanding gambling skills at such a young age."