I Am Not Interested in Her

Xu Jinchen felt a little upset when he heard Zi Beiying say they were not dating. Since it was true, he could not deny it and say otherwise to retort Zi Beiying.

"I see! My bad. I didn't know. Sorry for the misunderstanding," apologized Mrs Ji to Zi Beiying.

"No worries. If you need to talk, be my guest! I am going back to shopping," said Zi Beiying before turning to walk away with Gu Ning, Jing Yunyao, Mengda, and Nan catching up from behind.

"Mrs Ji, I'm going to join them and play a proper host. See you around," said Xu Jinchen before he ignored Ji Zijing and her mother and turned to leave altogether.

Even though Mrs Ji was a little upset that she was unable to introduce Ji Zijing to Xu Jinchen, she did not take it to heart. Since the woman was his friend's younger sister, he naturally had to play a good host.

"Are you happy now? She isn't his girlfriend," said Mrs Ji teasingly to Ji Zijing.