A Reminder from Mo Qilin

After a pause, Mo Qilin continued, "I didn't steal her stuff, so I wouldn't agree to let them search me. It's humiliating, so we had a fight. Because master told me not to use magical skills on mortals, I almost lost because the two people were very good at fighting. Right as I was about to use magical skills, Gu Ning showed up and defeated them. She saved me."

"Who are the two people?" Yun Zhiyan asked with a frown.

Given his understanding of Gu Ning, he knew it was very normal that she was able to defeat the two people when Mo Qilin was no match for them.

"No idea. They simply wanted money. They apologized to me afterwards and I was fine, so I told them to leave," said Mo Qilin. He didn't know the real purpose of the two people, so he believed that they just wanted to extort money from him.

After hearing Mo Qilin's account, Yun Zhiyan said nothing further about that.