You Can Pay Me Back in the Future

Only when Jiang Liluo's hair was as short as other men would he look normal in the crowd.

People would only be attracted to Gu Ning's beauty and some of them might recognize her.

Although several passers-by came to say hi to Gu Ning or take photos with her once in a while, Gu Ning wasn't affected.

Jiang Liluo and Si Jin were curious about what they were doing when they took photos, but they didn't ask about it in front of strangers. They knew it would cause unnecessary trouble.

After having a haircut, Jiang Liluo had a totally different air. He was more handsome now than when he had long hair. Even Si Jin was amazed by his change.

When Jiang Liluo saw that Si Jin was impressed by his new hairstyle, he was cheered up at once, since he actually felt a little sad after losing his long hair.

"Jin, what do you think?" Jiang Liluo asked. Although he already had the answer from her expression, he still wanted to hear the answer from her.