The Primary Stage of Yuan Ying Period

Because they were very close now, it wouldn't be impolite even if he ate before them. In addition, he would only fill his stomach a little. He wouldn't eat all the food.

As a foodie, it was torture for him to stand there and watch the delicious food.

However, right at this moment, Gu Ning and the others came back.

Once they were back, Gu Ning told Shangguan Yang about what had happened earlier.

After hearing the story, Shangguan Yang frowned. He knew that evil cultivators and monsters would come here and cultivate due to the thick magical power, but Jiang Liluo ran into them today and was almost killed.

Anyway, since Gu Ning had already killed the evil cultivator, it was over now. After all, he couldn't punish the evil cultivator's body. Actually, the body had been torn to pieces by Gu Ning, and there was barely a complete piece of flesh.