Listen to Gu Ning

They saw two women by Qi Tianlin's side, but didn't think it was a big deal. It was just two women, so they couldn't care less.

After getting in their car, Gu Ning told Yu Hao to drive to a suburb so that their enemies could take action.

Yu Hao didn't ask Qi Tianlin's opinion, and directly listened to Gu Ning. He would do whatever she told him to do.

He didn't know that the mutant was following them, but Qi Tianlin did. They had stayed there for a while, so the mutant should have caught up to them. "Do you know where they are right now? We stayed there for an hour. I bet they already found us," Qi Tianlin said to Gu Ning.

"Yeah, in the parking lot, so we're taking them to a place without many people around. They need a chance to attack us," said Gu Ning.