Bully Other People with Power

"There are surveillance cameras in our store, but you smashed my computer once you heard that. Now we can't check the surveillance video. It's you who wanted to destroy the evidence," the owner of the restaurant said.

"Don't slander us just because we smashed the computer." The man argued.

"You…" The owner of the restaurant was angry and didn't know what to say.

After the short argument, Leng Xiaoyao tended to believe the owner.

"It's fine if the computer is smashed. I have a laptop with me. I can play the surveillance video," Leng Xiaoyao said, raising the laptop bag in her hand to show them.

The bunch of hoodlums were displeased. The next moment, their head threatened. "I think you better not get involved."

Since he threatened Leng Xiaoyao, it proved they were guilty. Otherwise, they would urge Leng Xiaoyao to play the surveillance video.