It's Not One Person's Fault

Class One's issue was coming to an end. All the instructors returned to their classes to finish the schedule laid out for the afternoon. They continued teaching the students the military exercises.

All their clothes were drenched with sweat.

The people called out from Class One started their exercises. They stood at attention, stood at ease, saluted, marched, and ran together. When the instructor called for them to be at ease, they heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they were to complete everything without making mistakes.

"Your steps are too small but it's good that you managed to keep the distance equal all the time. Your formation during the quick march and march in step was off. You still need to practice more." The officer nodded slightly. He was still satisfied with the results.

"As a student, you did well. However, as a soldier, you're lacking."