
Tonight, the time had finally come!

He would not let Cobra return to Russia alive. Tonight, he would kill Cobra and make this bastard disappear forever.

There were still 16 minutes before midnight. The people working for Cobra had already completed their infiltration. Then, some of them fell to the ground with their heads and bodies in a strange arc before they even started moving.

In the dark, at least 20 agile special forces soldiers disguised as hotel staff were moving quickly.

This was the special forces that specialized in counter-subversion and guarding against foreign targets. They started their immersion-style combat. This time, Russia sent a squad of soldiers to infiltrate Molaban and end the six-year-long campaign.

They were all between 25 and 35 years old. They were very young, and their combat ability was very strong. Even though there were only 20 of them, their combat ability was still strong.