
Great surprise

The Rosen Kingdom, Snowy domain. Ye clan mansion.

Ye Xiao was already planning his next moves as he talked with both Ye Hong and Ye Taishi. Ye Hong was one who likes to talk; He answered all the questions Ye Xiao asked.

[So I can buy a Knight Cultivation Manual from three-star grade to six-star grade manuals at the Wei Family Auction hall. However, if I were to go there with my current weak stats I would be killed or at least get robbed...] Ye Xiao thought.

Birds died for food, While men die for riches!

This example was one of the few things Ye Xiao himself believed to be true; Right now he will need to increase his own power before showing his fangs in the auction.

However, the question is how will Ye Xiao raise his strength that could render any evil intentions useless; Against complete power nothing work. even the long hard scheming would be rendered useless against complete power.

"When will the next auction behold.?" Ye Xiao asked; if the auction date would a little pushed back then he would have a chance in raising his power.

"Lord!, The next auction should be about two days from today; I heard a little information that they would sell something amazing. they released this news as they also put on a rule. if anyone wanted to participate in the next auction they will have to pay ten golden coins as entry tax..." Ye Hong said with a bitter and awkward smile, Why did the lord suddenly ask such embarrassing things; we the Ye don't even have enough fortune to hold our grounds...

Ye Xiao noticed the look on Ye Hong and grinned. staring straight into Ye Hong eyes as he asked; " I have a mission for you, If you complete it correctly then this lord promise to give you a chance in entering the Intermediate Knight realm. Are you up to it.?"

[What.?...] The shock was obviously written all over Ye Hong face and Ye Taishi couldn't help but look at him with envy.

Seeing how shocked Ye Hong was and seeing the Envy in Ye Taishi eyes; Ye Xiao laughed as he secretly thought [Take..]


A Green pill floating in a strange liquid appeared out of nowhere in Ye Xiao pocket as he took out the Bottle and he throws the pill over to the two stunned guards.


Ye Hong and Ye Taishi both were stunned with the fast events but they both rushed as Ye Taishi caught the small bottle in his hand.

"This...!" Both of them were too stunned; they could smell a faint fragrant smell which resembled medicine.

"You are right!. This is exactly a pill and liquid which could help Knight Apprentice in circulating their Inner energy as it also increases the success rate of breaking the barrier of the next realms by 10% which means you only need ten of these pills to have a 100% rate of success in breaking the barrier into the Knight realm..." Ye Xiao explained slowly.

"H-how...?" Ye Hong mind shock as his lips trembled a little. while Ye Taishi case was worse as his whole body was trembling from excitement and hope.

"This is just an appetizer...if you finish my task successfully then I will grant both of you with another three bottles..." Ye Xiao teased them as he declared the reward.

"Lord! Please order us, We shall tread seas of fire and mountain of blades for you, Lord!" both of their eyes were full of energy and excitement, what does this mean.? their lord had such a treasure. and he even promised to give them more of it; the must take this great chance.

Ye Xiao brought up twenty gold coins as he gave them to Ye Hong and said; "Go and bring to me any manual you could find in the Market, any manual as long as its useful until the knight realm. understand.?" holding the gold coins Ye Hong felt his mind buzzing.

"Don't ask any questions, leave now." Ye Xiao ordered sternly.

"Yes!!" When Ye Hong and Ye Taishi were both about to leave Ye Xiao said; "Taishi!, you wait here..."

Ye Hong didn't stop as he hurriedly strode forward out of the mansion.


Ye Taishi stood there waiting for Ye Xiao orders.

Ye Xiao gave him a glance as he said; " Go tell grandpa that he doesn't need to protect the treasury anymore, here, take this box to him. tell him; That I want him to bring three Slave knights from the slave market. I don't care about their age as long as they are able to hold a sword and fight back..." Saying this he gave Ye Taishi a wooden small box.

Ye Taishi eyes gleamed as he wanted to open the box but he stopped himself as he nodded and moved out as well.


"Boy! What is it that makes you come to this old man .?" The old man who guarded the vault was sitting as always. When Ye Taishi suddenly came running.

"Here!." Ye Taishi was always a man of few words, he gave the old man a box as he waited for the old man to open the box.

"Mhm..?" When the old man first received the wooden box he was a little surprised but when he opened it he was utterly speechless.

"T-this..." Stuttering a little the old man looked at Taishi as he asked; "What does this mean.?"

"Lord gave me this box and ordered me to give it to you with two orders; He wants you to no more guard the Vault, as well as to..." Telling the old man all the story of what happened and showing him the Medicinal Bottle Ye Taishi finished his small speech.

"Mhm...A tiger can never give birth to a dog of a son...Our Lord must have been hiding his cards very deeply that we all underestimated him too much...Very well; Come with me little boy; time to move my old bones..." Saying this they started moving as well; today was a happy day for the old man; he was standing guard here for almost twenty years.


"Everything is in place. With the manual in my hand I will certainly be able to raise my stats with the help of the pills, When cultivation using the Manual I should be able to break through to the Knight Apprentice Lv2 at least using a few bottles..." Ye Xiao thought as he was already on the most important step in his plan.

He made these pills so he has a rich foundation as well as a steady path; the golden coins he spent today was nothing to him as this was all just a start. He plans to join any knight academy; it doesn't matter if the academy was strong or weak. better be weak, his plan would work better in a weak academy.

Soon Ye Hong came back with three manuals in his hand as his face was filled with excitement and joy. these manuals were a dream for him since young.

Even when he bought them he just felt like dreaming, on his way back he felt very scared that someone may ambush him; but what he didn't know was that; who would ambush you for a mere Intermediate Knight manuals .? if this was some six or nine star manual then you would be in danger but who would start an ambush for a lesser manual.

"Lord!." Ye hong kneeled with excitement wrote all over his face as his body kept trembling and his eyes almost tear up a little.

"Mhm..? What are these other two manuals .?" Ye Xiao noticed there were three manuals in Ye Hong hand so he was puzzled as he asked.

"Lord...This Intermediate manual no one bought because of its name..." Ye Hong face was a little awkward as he continued; " Hence the shop owner offered me these other two manuals as a bonus..these manuals are incomplete Manuals for six stars and nine stars manuals the six-star manual is 37% completed. and the Nine-star manual is 11% completed... I bought them all for only 17 golden coins... And here." Ye Hong pointed at a large box which was out of Ye Xiao room; " This box contains different 36 Low-grade plants; I thought Lord might be in need for them..." He did his best to not faint; " All of it counted to twenty golden coins..."

"Mhm...Good work! you can leave, for now, wait for grandpa to come back then all of you come in my room..." After Ye Xiao said this he already waved his hands to Ye Hong telling him to wait outside the room.

[Everything is going better than I thought!. At least I hope the matter with the slave market goes well...] Ye Xiao thought as he let out a breath.

Just as he was about to open the first manual he received a message in his mind.


" The host received a treasure book; Lesser Three-star Knight Manual. Complete set."


" The host received a treasure book; Six-star Knight Manual. Incomplete set."


" The host received a treasure book; nine-star Knight Manual. Incomplete set."


"Congratulations for the host on successfully opening the path to a knight; Rewards will be given."


" The host recieved; x1 Level, +3 Srength, +3 Agility, +3 speed, +3"


"A change occurred in the Host stats. please check"

[What a surprise!. Who thought just holding a book would give out a bonus in strength. let's check it.] Ye Xiao was pleasantly surprised.




Name; Ye Xiao

Level; 5

Title; Baron / Master of the Eternal System / Medcinal Apprentice.

Age; 16

Wealth; 3 Golden coins / 10.000 Silver coins

Height; 1.69 C.M

Weight; 63 K.G


Strength; 6.8

Agility; 7

Vitality; 11

speed; 11.1


Overall power; Weak.

Harem; none

Children; none



" The host can merge the three-star manual together with the six-star manual to get A complete set with 49% chance of success. Yes/No "


" The host can merge the six-star manual together with the nine-star manual to get A complete set with 49% chance of success. Yes/No"

[Eh.? It can even do this .?] Ye Xiao eyes gleamed with sharpness as he felt a tinge of joy in his heart.

[In no way would I gamble with the complete set even if it was merely a lesser manual. let's go for the two other manuals.] Ye Xiao decided as he wanted to gamble; if this goes well He might get benefit from nothing.

"Merge the six-star manual together with the nine-star manuals."


"Congratulations the host successfully started the merging with the two treasured books; time until the process is finished 179 Minutes."

[Eh!. I need to wait .?] Ye Xiao was surprised as he thought it might be as easy as 'fuse' order he made in creating medicinal pills like before.[Not bad. Until is finished I will cultivate a little using this manual.]


"The host is able to merge the Lesser Manual into the host memories; yes/no"

[Just like before!; Should I go through that painful memory again...] Ye Xiao was a little hesitating. After he decided it already he ordered [Yes!..]


Blue lights shined all around the room as the Three stars manual started shining and the words and patterns inside all started disappearing as it rotates in a circle of light around Ye Xiao before it entered from between his forehead as it started entering his head slowly. What surprised Ye Xiao the most was that he didn't feel pain at the moment. all he felt was a tinge of cool in his head.