My Last Respawn

Ri struggled to crawl out of the piles of bodies on top of him. His body was soaked countless times with foul blood not belonging to him, permeating the air with a revolting stench that made him want to vomit. But compared to the other smells existing which even he had sniffed toxic poison, suffocating in a pool of blood wasn't so bad.

Once he crawled out, he looked everywhere around him. People were running away in panic in random directions as far as they could. He could see them screaming as they ran, trampling over each other, pushing the others in anger just to gain a step further away while people die behind them. They were shot in the back by a barrage of bullets firing at them like a hail storm. Killing tens of people every second.

It was a blood-soaked scenery polluted with the smell of gunpowder and blood flowing like rivers, death was everywhere taking lives after lives as they all die a gruesome, dog's death. Ri observed it all calmly without panicking whatsoever.

[It seems I died again and respawned back here.] Ri tried to recall how he got here and realized that he had died in his previous life again and returned here to his respawn point. Which by the way had happened for countless times now survive here in this god forsaken hell.

He didn't stand up just yet as he tried to fully assess his situation. Still in prone position, his eyes landed on the source of the gun fire and saw a giant robot piloted by a man that was equipped with a large machine gun rifle.

The large robot walked on two legs and was made of steel. 8 feet tall and was covered in a lot of dents and scratches. It carried tons of ammunition with its bullet belts attached to the rifle, and the rifle had two sets of minigun muzzles attached to it.

The pilot was maniacally laughing as he swept a barrage of bullets, firing hundreds of rounds per second, he had killed hundreds of people with a wave of his large rifle. He was a madman who caused this genocide. An evil person with malicious intentions came here to cause a massacre.


[... Shadow of Ri? That's me. Or at least that's what they call me back in my previous lives here... Wait, could it be that they've figured out that I can respawn?] Ri was astonished having to hear the malicious reasons why this maniac was here to massacre. It seems he came here to kill him. But why would he kill thousands of people just kill him? In fact, you didn't need to kill thousands just to kill him. That was what Ri surmised.

But as he realized this man was here to kill him, he also realized he was also here to kill everyone else. He was a lunatic produced by the madness of this hellish realm. In this realm where people die left and right regardless, it was no surprise that people would fall into depravity, crippling depression and even worse, insanity. Converting your everyday casual friend into a homicidal serial killer.

This was not the peaceful earth that everyone here remembers. This realm was called "Heaven"

Heaven was a realm filled with swords and magic, modern and advance technology, mythical and demonic creatures, superpowers and gods, and it existed for the sole purpose of giving people who had died a chance to live like kings forever like gods.

It was truly a place called heaven... For particular individuals that is.

But because this realm was not earth that was filled with peace and security, people can do whatever they liked here. Be it live a pleasurable life or go out in a killing spree, you can do anything you want so long as you have the ability to do so. However, there is one particular law in this realm that all people who come to live their lives here all acknowledged deeply.

Survival of the fittest

Only the strongest can survive and the strong prey on the weak for a living. They fight, battle, skirmish, kill, enslave, and even resort to cannibalism to restrain their agonizing hunger. Bloody wars filled with hatred and vanity waged on everywhere and people involved fight with their superpowers and lives on the line in order to survive in this realm.

However, throughout the thousands of years this realm had existed, here exists 6 dominions with 12 existences who are blessed to live like Gods. These existences were powerful, almighty and eternal. And they've been around for more than hundreds of years here in this realm. Waging war against each other as they are the players playing chess and the dying people below their class are their disposable pieces.

Ri was one of those disposable pieces. No, it would be apt to say that he used to be lower than a disposable piece. One whose life was purposeless and weak, he lived his life surviving and preserving and killed those who wish to take his life. Eventually, he ranked up to become a disposable piece. Becoming a stronger person who killed his way to the top in this realm with his Godly dagger skills. His most valuable assets are his wits, equipment and stamina. And he had reached the superhuman level of being where only his peers or those above his level were capable of killing him.

He killed his way to survive. Making many enemies along the way. Those who wanted to kill him were desperate to torture him. And eventually, Ri died a gruesome death after being captures and tortured for 3 months. Cornering him into insanity that forced him to take his own life.

However, the next thing he knew was that he was back where it all began with all his scars erased. He didn't realize his uniqueness yet until he died again and returned here where it all began.

It took several suicides and gruesome deaths later that he discovered his unique ability. An ability unique to him that perhaps only he could possess it.

He realized that he had the ability to 'Respawn' every time he died.

It was an outrageous ability that was similar to immortality. However, its down faults were all his superhuman status had returned by zero. Reverting him to the weak ant that could be killed easily. Not to mention that he only has one Respawn point, he can't even choose where he could die.

So, he had to start all over from scratch. Rebuild what he had built to survive and grow stronger again every time he dies.

This went on and on perpetually for almost a hundred years and eventually, he gained the fame which struck terror to those who knew him.

He killed those who had killed him for revenge and made more enemies who were stronger than him and died again. Only to return stronger and killed those who killed him. Gaining more enemies.

That vicious cycle repeated infinitely where he killed and killed and killed and died and died and died. But just when he about to die again by the hands of his enemy, he heard the voice of his system echoing in his mind saying


What the hell did this mean? Ri contemplated deeply about it as he waited for the familiar death to come take him and return to where it all started. And then it struck him...

Did this mean... This was the last time I am going to respawn?

Ri didn't get to conclude his answer as his head got chopped off from his body, his vision spun, pain struck him, coldness embraced him, darkness took over and he died again.

Now, Ri was back in the land of rebirth. The Land of Rebirth was mystical dominion where people who have died from earth are sent here into Heaven to replenish the loss of population due to the dreadful wars taken place.

Ri used to be one these people. Not knowing what was going on, only to find out that he been sent to Heaven after he died and now he had to survive this godforsaken place, he panicked, got lost, got afraid, got homicidal, got hopeless, got inspired, got hoped, got loved, got betrayed, got forgotten, got insane and got killed. Over and over again.

Ri has returned. And this time. It will be his last.